
Writing and etymology in Korean
態 (태) – manner, attitude
度 (도) – boundary, extension

In striving for a certain goal, we must act with a unified soul. If we do not have this attitude in our soul, we will not reach the goal. To achieve any one goal, we must take up the cause with one heart and move forward in one direction. Nevertheless, in our day, people are incapable of maintaining an unchanging attitude.

We need one standpoint, one worldview. It must be the same morning, afternoon, and evening, in our youth, in our mature years, and in our old age. If one takes on a task with one attitude, carries it out with the same attitude, and, without changing the attitude, achieves the result, his goals will grow and become larger because he will be able to maintain the unchanging attitude for longer and longer periods of time.

Evil begins with this attitude in the heart: “I am the subject; I am the center,” with pride, which is evil. The Universal Principle says, “Live for the good of others,” while the nature of evil declares: “Live for me.” We need to eradicate this attitude, not to be arrogant, but to sacrifice ourselves for others and serve others.

We need to develop a respectful attitude toward life. We must love nature and people more than ourselves. Until you love nature, you cannot love yourself.

You must not treat people lightly. When you go out into the world and encounter an elderly person, treat him as if he was your grandfather. Treat people the way you treat your own mother, father, or son. That’s how you should treat people in the community.

You should not neglect the material things in your life; be careful how you handle public money.

Be attentive to every word you say, every action you take, every thought that arises in you, so that every moment of your life may be filled with light. Solve problems with the certainty that everything that happens in your life remains as a phenomenon connected to the whole world.