
Writing and etymology in Korean
救 (구) [ku] – to save
世 (세) [se] – peace
主 (주) [ju] – owner

The sacred books of most religions speak of the coming of a messenger, called to carry out the will of the Heavenly Parent on earth. In his person the justice and mercy of the Creator will be embodied, he will finally defeat evil and establish the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.

The Messiah (in Hebrew), or Christ (in Greek), which means literally “anointed one,” is a person specially chosen by God and possessing all the powers to fulfill the divine mission.

Because of the error of the first people, the Creator’s will was not carried out and the kingdom of heaven could not be established. The mission of the Messiah is to attain the perfection which the forefathers could not attain, and to carry out God’s will which they did not fulfill. The Messiah comes to fulfill God’s will on earth.

The word of the Messiah is not just the word of an individual. It becomes connected to and carries the content of world history.

Salvation begins when we come into contact with the love of the Heavenly Parent. But we have become fallen people, cut off from God’s lineage. We need indemnity, in other words, deliverance from original sin, which has been passed down from generation to generation as part of our lineage. We fallen people cannot solve this problem on our own, no matter how hard we try. That is why we need the Messiah.

The Messiah establishes the model of the perfect family of true love that all families must follow. All people are destined to become kings and messiahs. All are to become true parents.

The Messiah embodies the purpose of faith and hope. He is the embodiment of the purpose for which we believe and hope. As we set our goal, we look up to the Messiah. When it is finally achieved, only love will remain. This is why it is said that love will endure to the end. Such love comes through someone who is the perfect embodiment of faith and hope. The person who comes as the representative of such love is the Messiah.

The Messiah does not even dream of living in the Kingdom of Heaven alone. Only after making sure that God can breathe easy at the sight of a fully completed work of salvation for mankind can the Messiah enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

The Messiah comes into this world as an individual, but he is not just an individual. His value is that he is the embodiment of the faith and hope of all mankind, the embodiment of the love to which all men have aspired. The Messiah is connected to the entire historical process-past, present, and future.