Object consciousness

Writing and etymology in Korean
대상 의식
[taesang uishik]
對象 (대상) [taesang] – object
意識 (의식) [uishik] – consciousness

Object consciousness is an essential element of ethics. In modern society, however, object consciousness has all but disappeared. There is a growing tendency among people to ignore the authority of the subject. This has resulted in a society plunged into disarray. To establish an ethically harmonious society, therefore, true object consciousness must first be established.

The object consciousness of man in his relation to the Creator is service and loyalty, relating to his elders, to the state and society is loyalty and service, and relating to his parents is a spirit of piety and obedience. Common to all kinds of object consciousness is living for others, the meekness of heart, and humility.

When you meet a person, do not treat him or her lightly. Always think of what he might teach you. Let your soul know no rest, feeling a constant willingness to learn from each person. You must immediately determine whether this person is a subject or an object partner. If you are that attentive, you will always be ready to learn.

Individualism that ignores the subject-object relationship will not last long. The partner-subject and partner-object must unite: individuals must live for their families, families for society, society for country, country for the world, and the world for God.