
Writing and etymology in Korean
主 (주) [ju] – owner, possessor
人 (인) [in] – human, person

In this complex and diverse world, the principle of nurturing an owner naturally applies both to the relationship between people and between people and the natural world. What kind of person can be called a true owner? It is one who lives for and cares for others, who sacrifices himself while serving others. In other words, the person who embodies true love in daily life is the true owner.

Even microorganisms, animals, and plants want to be cared for and watched over by a loving owner. It wishes to be managed by a socially oriented individual.

We need to understand the value of the world around us, created by the Heavenly Parent. Will there be a person who, looking at a living being, asks himself: “Can any man-made product compare to it? As great as man is, can he surpass God in his greatness?”

You have to learn how to manage the world around us from a social position. The natural world needs a true owner, someone who recognizes its social value. What is true is not self-centered.

Consequently, neither social position nor rank will make you a true owner. It is determined only by your character and ability to love. If the president of a company cares and loves his employees fatherly, he is the real boss of that company. Only a president who loves his people and cares for them as a loving parent cares for his children and shares with them the joys and sorrows of life can be called a master of his country.

The person who loves something most is its owner, and this is an unmistakable conclusion.