Chapter 1. The Providence to Lay the Foundation for Restoration

제1장 복귀기대섭리시대

Section 1. The Providence of Restoration in Adam’s Family
1.1 The Foundation of Faith
1.2 The Foundation of Substance
1.3 The Foundation for the Messiah in Adam’s Family
1.4 Some Lessons from Adam’s Family

Section 2. The Providence of Restoration in Noah’s Family
2.1 The Foundation of Faith
2.1.1 The Central Figure for the Foundation of Faith
2.1.2 The Object for the Condition in Restoring the Foundation of Faith
2.2 The Foundation of Substance
2.3 Some Lessons from Noah’s Family

Section 3. The Providence of Restoration in Abraham’s Family
3.1 The Foundation of Faith
3.1.1 The Central Figure for the Foundation of Faith
3.1.2 The Objects for the Condition Offered for the Foundation of Faith Abraham’s Symbolic Offering Abraham’s Offering of Isaac Isaac’s Position and His Symbolic Offering in the Sight of God
3.2 The Foundation of Substance
3.3 The Foundation for the Messiah
3.4 Some Lessons from Abraham’s Course