
Writing and etymology in Korean
추 [chu] (sino-korean)

Autumn, the time of harvest, brings new fruits and seeds. In the fall, good fruit is reaped by the one who sowed in the spring. This is the Heavenly principle. Accordingly, it is necessary to sow and cultivate with all sincerity.

For the fruit to ripen and be sent to the storehouse in the fall, it must survive the spring and summer, it desperately needs the nourishment it naturally receives from nature, as well as the care of man. A fruit grown by a lazy and ignorant owner will be prone to disease or suffer the vagaries of the weather. Eventually, such a fruit will fall to the ground unripe or be undermined by a worm.

Many flowers may blossom on the tree and many fruits may set, but if all the fruits fall off and the tree is left with bare branches in the fall, what a wretched and sad picture it will be! So, our life must be full of results.

If the tree has not borne much fruit and has produced only one fruit, let that fruit be perfect, such that no better can be produced by the tree. Then, because of it, the value, authority, and dignity of the tree will be confirmed.

When our autumn comes, we become like dried chestnuts. Old people are not a separate category of people. We all grow old. From the beginning of our journey, we move toward the same outcome, passing through violent storms and trials. Naturally, the most important question for us is what the outcome will be.

We must critically evaluate ourselves: “Have I met spring, summer, and fall well? Am I able to become mature fruit?”

Feel the new life, joy, and hope arise within you. From the day you make the decision, “I will become this kind of tree, this kind of personality!” you need the inner elements to flow continuously to you, preparing you for the fall harvest.