
Writing and etymology in Korean
挑 (도) – call
戰 (전) – struggle

Usually, people plan to invest a certain amount of money in something and expect to start making a profit at some point. The same applies to study: we expect that if we devote a certain number of hours to preparation, we will be sufficiently prepared to pass the exam. This principle applies to everything; it is a universal law. If we, wishing for something, work hard and challenge our limitations to achieve the goal, we will cross the finish line and get something in return.

Feel the same determination as if you were competing in a race. To be able to overcome any obstacle, you must be determined to have more strength than any human being.

When you have a family, make several times more effort than when you lived alone.

Try to focus on today, on this moment. If in your heart you are a winner now, you will come out victorious by going all the way. So, once you are faced with a difficulty, you must be determined to bring victory to the side of good.