
Writing and etymology in Korean
慾 (욕) [yok] – desire, lust
望 (망) [mang] – to desire, to expect, to hope

Desires are part of the original nature that the Heavenly Parent endowed humans with. The purpose of creation is to experience joy, the attainment of which is impossible without the fulfillment of desires. If we had no desires, we could never feel joy. Without desires, we would not want to receive love, do good things, develop ourselves, or live. It would then be an obstacle to even the very existence and development of human society.

Each of us is happy when our desires are fulfilled. Desires that lead to unrighteousness do not arise in the original human soul. After such desires are granted, his heart becomes heavy, and he begins to feel remorse.

Desires are good if they bring forth fruit that promotes the ends of good, and they are evil if they bring forth fruit of evil.

Don’t go along with carnal desires. If you only do what your body wants you to do, you will fail. But if you act according to the desires of your soul, you will succeed.

People who live their lives according to the “me first” principle are doomed. By pursuing their personal desires, harming others, they harm society and their country. Such people will perish. A person should not exploit for personal gain what belongs to the country–on the contrary, people should sacrifice themselves for the country.

People’s three deepest desires are to become a true parent, a true teacher, and a true leader.

If we have unfulfilled desires or aspirations, it is good because they encourage us to build harmonious relationships. Everyone wants to live in a unified world across national boundaries. This desire is born in the hidden world of our heart.