
Writing and etymology in Korean
規 (규) – law, rule, norm
律 (율) – law, rule

The human conscience is a spiritual gift. It does not exist for your own sake, but for righteousness. Conscience always seeks the good, but the body, desiring to live in comfort, resists it because it is selfish and insatiable in satisfying its instinctive needs.

“Before you desire dominion over the Universe, learn to dominate yourself.” To achieve this, three enemies must be conquered–food, sleep, and sex.

Despite all efforts to self-educate, people often fall into the trap of love. If a person is tempted by a handsome man or a pretty woman, that’s it, he’s trapped. A person cannot claim to have achieved complete self-discipline in the realm of love.

Self-discipline is about taming the monster within us.

Throughout history, religions have taught people different ways to subdue the flesh. Religions are training grounds in which we learn to control the desires of the flesh and submit the flesh to the soul. Religions train and educate people to help men and women control themselves.

Spiritual discipline is practical meditation and self-discipline. Through spiritual discipline, we can achieve a state of harmony in the world of the soul.