
Writing and etymology in Korean
幸 (행) [haeng] – fortune, good luck
福 (복) [bok] – blessing, happiness, good fortune

Everyone is struggling to attain happiness and avoid misfortune. From the commonplace affairs of individuals to the great events that shape the course of history, each is at root an expression of the human aspiration for ever greater happiness.

How, then, does happiness arise? People feel joy when their desires are fulfilled.

Happiness and love originate in relationships. Can anyone really be happy on their own? Words like “good,” “love,” “happiness” and “hope” only apply if we want to embody them in a higher-level relationship. This is how our level of happiness is determined.

Where do peace and happiness begin? With our understanding that we are not born for ourselves, but for others. We can find happiness by living for humanity as a whole, for peace, country, society, family, second half, and children.

The fundamental human desire for peace and happiness is embodied where we achieve unity. Is it possible to be happy when your soul and body are struggling? Absolutely not! It is only when our souls and bodies are in complete unity that we will find freedom, achieve peace, and be happy. No matter how much a couple dreams of happiness, if there is no unity between them, neither they nor the other members of the family will be happy. No matter how much a family strives to be happy, until each member of the family is happy, the happiness of the whole family will remain just a dream.

Happiness is the fruit on the branch of the tree of love. Can there be happiness without love? Love gives happiness to our world. One who has love in him is overflowing with happiness. Without the standard of love, people cannot achieve the ideals they dream of.