
Writing and etymology in Korean
希 (희) – to hope
望 (망) – to desire, to expect

Hope gives rebirth, development, victory, and prosperity. If a man works hard in his youth, it guarantees him hope for the future.

Some people live with hope, while other people do not. There are two kinds of hope: the first, centered on man; and the second, centered on Heaven.

The bold enterprising man has more hopes and desires, so he is constantly on the move, and without hopes he will have nothing to strive for. History moves forward because of such people.

A man can blossom as a flower of infinite love and infinite hope. It is because he reflects the infinite qualities of the Creator.

Love lasts forever. The highest hopes of man are associated with it, which is why all people express a desire to inherit it.

Parents strive to give everything for their beloved child. Love, life and hope are born out of the desire to sacrifice themselves for their children and live with them. Children are the greatest asset of any country and its hope for the future. You must raise your children to be a source of hope for them.

Everything in this world is transitory: families, countries, ideologies. What should remain in the end? Hope, through which you can fight and win against death. If a man does not have that hope, he has failed in this life.

Even when you face death, you must have hope in your soul that will enable you to overcome death. You must hope that when you pass this way, you will be worthy to stand before Heaven and be able to go with joy to your ancestral home, for which you have yearned with your soul. You will conquer death only if the hope of an ideal world is burning in your heart.