
Writing and etymology in Korean
飢 (기) – hungry, starving
饉 (근) – hunger

Poverty is rampant in our world. Hunger and poverty are long-standing and deep-rooted problems. Twenty million people die of hunger every year, sixty thousand every day, most of them in Africa. People must seriously address these problems.

The pain of hunger can only be understood by those who experienced it. . When one is hungry, an ordinary grain of wheat is priceless. When you are very hungry, you yearn for food to the point of tears. If a man is full, the world seems big and significant to him, but to a hungry man a grain of wheat becomes bigger than the whole world.

Even when he dies of hunger, a wise man does not eat his piece of bread himself, but shares it with those who are in the same situation, thus receiving a reward that ensures him food and life for a thousand years to come.

A Korean proverb says, “A tower whose soul is invested in its construction will not collapse. Earn your bread and feed the hungry, even if you yourself are hungry. They will be grateful to the core of their souls and bones.

We all have a responsibility to the people near and far who are dying of hunger, and we must do something to help them. We need to feel responsible and find a way to feed and save them. The rich and wealthy need to go down one step and help lift up those who live in poverty so that there can be a world of peace where all people can live in comfort and well.

Solution to hunger

Looking at the general situation in the world, it is important to realize that the most important task in our time is to provide people with enough food. Two methods can be applied here to fulfill this task. The first is to provide sufficient supplies of inexpensive food, and the second is to provide people with technology that can help people to defeat hunger by their own strength and means.

When we look at the resources we have, the raw materials we get from the earth are limited, but the resources of the sea are infinite. The world will be led by those who take control of the ocean’s resources on a global level as well as those who possess the necessary technology.

For example, fish can be raised in fish farms directly from eggs, like chicks in an incubator. A single female fish can lay several million eggs. If fries are to survive in the open sea, most of them will be eaten by bigger fish. But if we start raising fish, we will keep ninety percent of the fry alive. Naturally, these resources would be limitless.

Fish are very nutritious. Fish proteins are much better in many ways. Thus, fish will help us solve the problem of world hunger. A family will be quite possible to get by thanks to fish farming. The simplest and smallest farm can feed an entire family.

Teaching people the skills to produce their own food is just as important as handing out food to those in need. To teach people these skills, we need to build schools in hard-to-reach areas to combat illiteracy, and technical schools to teach people how to support themselves.

There is no instant solution to world hunger. People have different tastes and traditions in different countries, and flora and fauna are different everywhere. The most important thing is for people to learn how to take care of their neighbors. We need to take care of those who are hungry and think about how to help them. Real peace will not come until humanity has solved the problem of hunger.

To solve it, we need patience and a willingness to plant seeds. Once sown, they sit invisibly in the ground, waiting for the time to germinate and break through the outer shell. Likewise, it is far better and more promising to teach a person to sow and gather wheat and then bake bread from it than to simply give a piece of bread to a starving person. The first is more difficult than the second; besides, the first will not bring us the public recognition you deserve, but it is the only way to radically solve the problem of hunger once and for all.