
Writing and etymology in Korean

수 [su] (sino-korean)

The Creator exists in accordance with the laws of the Universe, which have a numerical aspect. Therefore, the world created by Him, in the center of which is man, embodies certain numbers. For this reason, progress in science, which studies the laws of nature, is only possible through mathematical research.

For this reason, all scientific laws are also expressed in formulas that are based on mathematical principles. There are mathematical values expressed in principle numbers. They result from adding or multiplying the numbers “seven,” “three,” and “four.” The numbers “three” and “four” add up to the number “seven,” and when multiplied, the number “twelve.” All of these numbers are interrelated.

For example, the number “3” includes the concept of three dimensions. The existence of any object implies a top and a bottom, a front and a back, and a left and a right. Nothing can exist outside of the sphere of the number three. This is the fundamental form of any entity.

The number “4” represents the four sides of the world-north, south, east, and west. It also has all four seasons: spring, summer, fall, and winter.

In a family, if you count everyone together: the man himself, his father, his mother, his older brother and sister, and his younger brother and sister, you get a total of seven people. That is why seven is considered the number of perfection. To reach the number seven is to create a family in which all members are bound together by true love. This family is a perfect sphere in which harmony and unity reign.

The period of human development can be considered as a period of incarnation of the principal numbers. Restoration of our errors is also carried out through certain numerical combinations. It occurs step by step, step by step. It may require a period of indemnity involving certain numbers.