Origin-Division-Union Action

Writing and etymology in Korean
正 (정) – straight, vertical, to bring together
分 (분) – to separate
合 (합) – to unite
作用 (작용) – action, effect

Everything in the universe functions perfectly as a half pair. Even minerals are composed of positive and negative ions. Everything exists in a paired system, and what is this system based on? It is Love. Even among plants, male and female particles interact harmoniously with each other, and seeds are made on this basis. Only by joining together can the two entities return to their original position, before they were separated. This is why it is called “origin-division-union action.”

Through origin-division-union action, the origin divides into two objects that, in relation to each other, occupy the positions of subject and object and eventually unite into a unified body.

The division in the origin-division-union action does not mean that the origin is divided in half, but that it implies a division into two elements facing each other and centered on the origin. Man and woman, divided as dual properties, are then united again in love; in other words, what was divided from the beginning is united again.

The origin-division-union action also reveals itself in the daily life of the family. In the morning, when you leave home to leave your family, or in the evening, when you return home to meet your loved ones, you must be filled with a feeling of happiness.