
Writing and etymology in Korean
眞 (참, 진) [cham, jin] – an alternative form of the 真, translated as truth, reality

理 (리) [li] – reason, logic

Truth is unchanging in the past, in the present, and in the future. The purpose of truth is to embody the good in life.

Is the concept of “truth” bound to a specific place in space, or is it not confined to a spatial framework? It transcends them!

Truth must have a content that can be a reflection and a measure of everything.

What is the truth? It is something real. What does this mean? We call something real if there is no better standard than the object in question.

The origin of truth is not connected to a person. Truth is an absolute standard. Consequently, we cannot speak of it without mentioning the Creator, the Absolute.

Truth is not confined to an individual framework. It embraces everything and applies to everything, and seeks to make a connection with that which is valuable to all. All seek the truth, all love it, so truth must be contained in all. When we place truth in the center, everything comes into balance.

Truth must remain truth everywhere – in England, in Germany, in America, in Korea, in Africa, in Japan. There are no enemies or ill-wishers for truth. What is liked by some and disliked by others cannot be the perfect truth!

What is the greatest of all truths? Parents, spouses, and children. There is nothing above this truth. What is the center of truth? Love.