Central axis

Writing and etymology in Korean
中心 (중심) [jungsim] – center
軸 (축) [chug] – axis

How do we characterize the modern world? Is it calm or chaos? Chaos. Does it have a central axis? What is more in our world – hope or despair?

Our world lacks a central axis. Mankind does not know where is the center to strive for. Individuals, families, nations and, finally, the whole world do not know what is good and what is evil and have no concept of virtue. The world has lost the path of virtue in life.

Individualism has prevailed in the minds of the people. Some people think like this: “Leave me alone. All this talk about world civilization pisses me off. Let’s get back to the primitive way of life.”

Why is our world in despair? Because it doesn’t have an owner. In our world there is no supreme ruler in the role of the center of the universe. Without a lord and center, humanity mourns and mourns. Look into your soul: do you know where the central axis of your life is? All mankind does not know where its center is.

If we do not know the way and wander aimlessly, then the question arises, where will we even come to? Precisely because we do not have a clear goal, the future is hidden from us by a foggy veil.

We’ve hit a dead end, hit a wall, and now we’re groaning in despair. How can we solve this problem? Thinking people around the world and well-known public figures must urgently find the answer to this question.

Can philosophers or scientists offer a satisfactory solution? No, neither philosophers nor scientists can do it. Attempts to solve this problem by economic methods will also lead nowhere. There is no formula by which you can change the world around you. The solution will come only from the heart of a parent who cares about all of humanity.