
Writing and etymology in Korean
個人 (개인 ) – Individual
主義 (주의) – “-ism”

In this world a human is the measure of all things. However, the central concept of an authoritarian system denies the value of a person; it tries to enslave a person under the rule of another omnipotent entity – the country. This is the fundamental contradiction between the principles of the free world l and authoritarian world. A dictatorship requires unquestioning submission from people, material wealth also belongs to it, and its ultimate goal is complete domination. The individual, and at the same time everything he owns, is sacrificed for the sake of the dictatorial regime. Proponents of such systems constantly violate basic human rights and degrade human dignity.

On the other hand, the free world values individual rights, emphasizing the individual’s position. But often people defend their right to individual freedom, without understanding how this will affect the common good. And if we focus only on individual freedoms without supporting absolute values, then sooner or later we will run into a stone wall. If we don’t have an internal standard, clashes are inevitable.

Can we call a person good who does nothing but please his own greed? The degree of human virtue has always been determined by his contribution to the whole.

If we are talking about peace and justice, no individual can have exclusive rights. Freedom cannot be found by clinging to egoism. If all people work for one common goal of global world prosperity, then no matter how great or small their contribution to this goal, it will increase good.