
Writing and etymology in Korean
容 (용) – face; contain
恕 (서) – to forgive, to apologize

Culture of heart is a culture that helps us forgive our enemies. It is based on values such as respecting others rights, having self-control, mercifulness, the ability to forgive, and maintaining peacefulness.

If one of your friends has made a mistake, don’t tell him to his face about it, but rather think about how to forgive him. There are good people in his family! Reflecting on the good qualities of his family members and their love for him, then you will be able to embrace him.

True forgiveness is possible when a person understands one hundred percent of the situation the other person is in.

It’s possible that someone will hurt you, but forgive that person and come back, buoyed by hope. Hoping that when you meet him again, he would treat you differently. Often it is so that people deceive you, but in any case, always keep friendly feelings towards them.