
Writing and etymology in Korean
引導 (인도) [indo] – to lead
者 (자) [ja] – person

When we see the top of a mountain and climb it, we must know that there can be only one highest peak on the mountain. There are many different paths leading to it, and the distance traveled by different people may differ depending on the direction they have chosen, but there is only one direct path. In addition to the direct path, other paths may lead to the central peak. Although they can diverge 360 ​​degrees, the closer you get to the top, the closer the paths come together, which will one day connect at one point. All roads converge into one. First, the number of paths will be reduced to four, then to two, and at the very end, all paths will merge into one point. So we conquer the mountain peak.

From this point of view, the development of human history is like climbing a mountain. Although at first there were many different peoples who followed the historical path in an attempt to find a straight path, among them were those who tried to find the peak, moving in the opposite direction and in many other directions. Someone stopped in the middle, exhausted, and someone even went down. There were those who decided that it was more difficult to go down and tried to find an easier way. There were so many different people among them.Thus the history of mankind was confused.

As for the mountain as a whole, if there is a person who knows at least one way to the top, he will become a guide who will lead the rest. Everyone wants to find such a guide. It was so in the past, it is in the present, and it will be so in the future. Until the peak is conquered, whenever there is a person who knows the way, he will be appointed as a guide. He is recognized as a guide.

Why do we need a guide? He is needed so that each of us can quickly climb to the top. This is exactly the point. To do this, each of us needs to unite with the guide.