Human relationships

Writing and etymology in Korean
人間 (인간) [ingan] – human
關係 (관계) [gwangye] – relationship

Just as balls collide with each other on a pool table, we meet people and engage in give and take actions with them. In our human relationships there are mountains and valleys, just like in the natural world. Someone walks on a plane, someone climbs, and someone climbs a mountain. Our human relationships are based on love.

You may think that all people are the same, but they are not. When someone likes one thing, another person may like something completely different. Everyone perceives everything in their own way. And all these perceptions are connected with historical conditioning and spiritual connections.

Meeting someone for the first time you sometimes feel a sense of urgency and you are attracted to that person. Why is that? You are drawn to him because he or she is spiritually superior. Of course, you will be pleased to meet a person whose spiritual foundation is higher. This is so because you gain more than you lose by associating with such a person.

Rays emanate from everyone and affect those who are nearby. You can decide whether a person is good or evil by looking at whether you gain or lose in your relationship with him. At other times we may feel uncomfortable seeing someone.

Everyone has their own idea of ​​good and evil. Meeting a person for the first time and just looking at him, you can recognize whether he is good or not. You can test each person on whether they are good or evil to you, based on their words and behavior. It is in human relationships that one can recognize good or evil in other people. This is the best of all ways.

We need to evaluate people correctly. If you feel resentment towards a person you see for the first time, it may be because your ancestors were in a hostile relationship. Maybe his ancestors harmed your ancestors. Thus, the conflicts of our ancestors emerge today in the form of repulsive relationships between people.

Genuine concern for humanity should not be superficial. We should sympathize with those who are in trouble and suffering, as if we ourselves were in trouble. If we are ahead of anyone in love for others, then within us there will be a strong vitality with which we can overcome the most severe winter trials. This life force will gain its growth in the spring and will become the basis of the life of the new world.