Need for a family

Writing and etymology in Korean
가족에 대한 필요
[gajog-e daehan pil-yo]
家族에 對한 必要
家族 (가족) [gajog] – family
對한 (대한) [daehan] – of
必要 (필요) [pil-yo] – the need

We miss the family that is far away, because at home everyone is surrounded by mutual love. There is the love of father and mother, the love of older and younger brothers and sisters, marital and child love, and the love of the closest neighbors. A family is a place where there is mutual attachment, where all relationships and connections intersect in a mutual feeling of love. This forces all family members to treat each other in a special way. It turns into the urgent need and desire of the traveler who has left his family, to go back and feel himself bold and free again, to embrace the mountains, streams and trees, to bestow love on his relatives and sing with overflowing happiness.