Human soul

Writing and etymology in Korean
인간의 마음
[ingan-ui ma-eum]
人間의 心
人間 (인간) [ingan] – human
心 (마음) [ma-eum] – soul

Every person has a soul. The soul is invisible, and it seems that it does not exist, but it exists. Where is your soul? In your head or in your heart? In fact, your soul pervades every part of your body.

The soul takes the position of the subject. However, the body, which should be an object, tries to become a second subject. It is always eager to defend its rights, while deceiving and confusing the soul. It is vital for a person to establish the right relationship between the soul and the body.

The soul urges our body to help poor people and sacrifice ourselves for others, even if we ourselves are in a difficult situation.

Although a person is a soul and a body, he reaches perfection when the soul becomes the focus of his life.

In striving to achieve the fundamental goal, each person must pay attention to the innermost depths of his soul. This is the immutable law of Heaven.

Let your soul become elastic, like a round ball filled with air. If you are wallowing in doubt or self-centeredness, or if you have an opinion on everything, your soul is not round, but wrinkled and flawed. Therefore, you need to smooth your soul and make it round.

If your soul is round like a ball, it will glide smoothly on a flat surface. But if it is wrinkled or angular, it will come into contact with the surface in only a few places. In this case, it will not have the proper stimulating effect, but, on the contrary, will act contrary to everything. It is at such moments that we feel pangs of conscience, and if we continue to behave in this way, the moral level of our conscience will gradually begin to decline.