Basis of parental love

Writing and etymology in Korean
부모님의 사랑의 기초
[bumonim-ui sarang-ui gicho]
父母의 爱의 基础
父母 (부모님) [bumonim] – parent
爱 (사랑) [sarang] – love
基础 (기초) [gicho] – basis

No matter how much a man and a woman love each other, a happy family can become whole only when there are parents who act as a protective barrier and children they nurture. When the family is protected, it becomes a place where happiness resides. No matter how successful a person is in society, if this protective barrier of the family breaks down, he will fail.

Love lives in a heart that sacrifices everything for another. The basis of parental love is true love, which is why parents are ready to give everything to their children and, even after giving, want to give again and again. Loving parents don’t even remember what they gave their children. No parent counts the cost of shoes and clothes bought for a child and says, “That’s how much I spent on you.” Instead, parents, having given everything they have, say: “I would like to give you even more, but I have no more.”

The love of parents who nurture a family is like a honey bee tied to a flower. Parents are even ready to sacrifice their own lives, but they will never stop loving their children. Even after devoting their life to a child, parents will forget about it and be ready to dedicate it again. This is true parental love. No matter how long or dangerous the path, parents will go through it with pleasure. Parental love is the greatest love in the world.

Even a person who lives in a wonderful house and eats exotic food will feel empty in the soul in the absence of parents. The soul of a person who grew up without parental love is filled with loneliness and emptiness, which there is nothing to fill. Family is where we receive true love and learn true love. If in childhood we did not receive true love, we yearn for it all our lives and feel emotional pain. Moreover, we cannot learn the high moral duties that we need to fulfill before the family and society. True love is a virtue that cannot be learned anywhere but in the family.