Good person

Writing and etymology in Korean
착한 사람
[chaghan saram]
善 (착한) [chaghan] – good
人 (사람) [saram] – person

What kind of person can be called good? A good person is one who loves even bad people; who sympathizes with those who are sad, as if he himself were in sadness. If you begin to sympathize with others, compensate for their sorrows and give them joy, then you can be a model of a good person in any situation.

How can we become such a person? We need to transcend superficial, worldly habits and ideas. We should think: “I was born to make bad people good”, or: “I was born to live for the sake of others.” If you think that this is the mission of your life, then you can get rid of all the evil, no matter how difficult the problems around you are.

If you try to find only faults in others and throw ten accusations at someone for ten faults, then you are not a good person. You must forget the shortcomings of others and appreciate their positive points, instead of blaming them for their shortcomings. Then you can relate to people in a position of good, and you can lead them to happiness. They will follow you and will communicate closely with you. If you simply hate the faults of others and judge them as they deserve, then you will not find goodness in this world.

A good person loves children, youth and old people. In his communion with nature, he loves spring, summer, autumn and winter. We need to consider what we have done for others before judging whether they are good or bad.