Role of the teacher

Writing and etymology in Korean
師의 役割
師 (스승) [seuseung] – teacher
役割 (역할) [uiyeoghal] – role

Teachers are not just people who teach in schools. They must set the standard and example for all that concerns human relations.

The love and guidance of our teachers serve as a bridge that connects us to the world. A teacher’s seal of approval symbolizes his love. A teacher occupies a different position than our parents. Parents’ statement “Our children are well done!” does not matter much to the rest of the world; while a certificate signed by a teacher carries more weight. School is the first gate of entry into society. We go there to do our best to live up to the expectations of our teachers, and because of that, we experience a relationship that we don’t have in the family.

The love between students and teachers represents love in society, and ultimately, in the world. This is how schooling should be: students should be motivated and inspired by the care of their teachers. Through schooling, we should develop care and love for society and the world. School life should be so beautiful and fulfilling.