
Writing and etymology in Korean
政 (정) – politics, laws, rules
府 (부) – government agency

It will be difficult for people to maintain order on earth and protect public welfare and peace while politicians run their affairs, neglecting moral and spiritual values. No political force or earthly power can be above the Heavenly law.

Politicians should not abuse the political process for personal gain. They must obey the management system and follow the provisions of the law. Misuse of public resources leads to injustice in society. The main problem of politicians is the desire for uncontrolled enrichment. No person in power should strive to be richer than ordinary people. On the contrary, politicians should give their best to others, for the greater good.

Of the two people, the one who volunteers for others – for something greater than himself – takes the side of good, and the second, who pursues only his own interests, takes the side of evil. Government officials should live for the good of the whole country. If instead they use their powers for the benefit of their own families, they are doing evil.

Before you want to take the post of an influential politician, you must become the head of your household. To do this, you must inherit family traditions and take the lead, representing God and your ancestors. And then all the families in your country will respect you.

The head of state must be one with his people. He must understand that everything he has does not belong to him, but to the country. If all goes well, the country will prosper.

During an election, people will not vote for a candidate who seems self-centered to them. They will choose someone who lives for the greater good and will help them. This leadership formula has been consistent throughout history. Countries choose patriotic leaders because they sacrifice themselves more than ordinary citizens.