
Writing and etymology in Korean
熱 (열) – passion
狂 (광) – crazy, wild

Enthusiastic and passionate people are usually respected. Whoever goes forward with enthusiasm, regardless of any dangers and risks, he will be able to cope with them. Nevertheless, attempts without enthusiasm and passion can end in nothing.

What is the driving force capable of generating such enthusiasm? You must become pure and sincere. No selfish motives! If something comes to you one hundred percent, then you must sincerely reflect it one hundred percent. That’s the problem.

Where is the zeal awakened? It is born on the basis of sincerity and awakens to the extent that it is needed and to the extent that you yourself strive to acquire it on the basis of your sincerity.

To achieve this, you need to put your ardent desire and sincerity of the soul in the first place. When there is a sincere and strong desire, its reverse side is zeal and passion. Consider this truth.

Therefore, in our quest for development, the most important thing for us is to have such ardor to keep moving forward. Without zeal, we will have no incentive. Keeping in mind that a powerful stimulus is inseparable from diligence and zeal, we need to go where there is diligence and zeal – where people are burning and where all your colleagues are full of enthusiasm.

People who dream of attaining perfect character and becoming absolute individuals should have boundless enthusiasm. As we strive to develop a character that knows no boundaries, the most important question for us is whether we are eternally ready to pursue such zeal, and if not, whether we are ready to pursue goals with such enthusiasm. If we are not ready for either, then we will not be able to develop a perfect character.