Course of history

Writing and etymology in Korean
역사의 과정
[eogsaui gwajeong]
歷史 (역사) [yeogsa] – history
過程 (과정) [gwajeong] – course, process

The history of mankind from the beginning to the present day is a confrontation between good and evil, where both forces seek to establish themselves, to prevail over each other. Through wars and conflicts there is a gradual movement towards unity. However, if people did not degrade, there would be no division into good and evil.

Initially, the course of history was determined by a good goal, but development went in a different direction, towards an evil goal. It was not good that triumphed in the world, but evil. From this it follows that, in essence, history is a process of returning distorted reality to its original state.

In that case, what should we strive for? The supreme purpose of God and mankind in providence is to establish proper order in the universe. That is to transform the history of evil into the history of good.

The changes that we expect must affect more than just an individual, a family, or a country. Changes mean the complete restoration of the world of evil and its return to its original state. The renewal of the world cannot be accomplished in any other way.