
Writing and etymology in Korean
現 (현) – current, existing
實 (실) – reality, truth

How do you know that God really exists? This is the crux of the philosophical debate between idealism and realism. From the point of view of realism, everything that cannot be seen does not exist in reality, being only an abstract idea. From this point of view, even conscience is nothing more than a concept.

The same is true with love. Love, for the proponents of the philosophy of realism, is an abstract idea, but the truth is that love is by no means an idea. Love is connected to everything in our real lives.

Compare faith and physical reality. Faith seems incomprehensible and unreal, but in fact it is eternal and quite tangible. The reality of our world is obvious and tangible to us, but we cannot trust it because it is changeable and impermanent. On the other hand, if faith is the basis of life, it brings permanence to life.

Good and evil are not determined in the future; they are made in the present moment, every day. How good or bad you are is not determined by your thoughts. It is determined by your life.

Although physically we live in the reality of the present moment, our feelings and ideals should aspire to an ideal world, with a desire to dwell in it.

One who neglects history cannot be responsible for the real world. One who wants to be responsible for the present moment must inherit history.

Hope is something unreal. It is a dream of the future. Once it becomes reality, however, it takes on value and gives joy.

People of the past have worked hard throughout history, but all the good that was accumulated did not belong to them: they gave it all to us. When we believe and fulfill their hopes, their merits become ours.