Visible – invisible

Writing and etymology in Korean
유형 • 무형
[yuhyeong • muhyeong]
有形 • 無形
有形 (유형) [yuhyeong] – visible
無形 (무형) [muhyeong] – invisible

All elements of creation, regardless of their level of complexity, have an invisible internal and visible external aspect. The invisible is the subject, and the visible is the object, so by observing visible things, we can imagine their original source, something invisible.

We cannot see our soul, but we know that it exists. For example, what causes us to smile? When we smile or laugh, who is happy at that moment, our body or soul?

The visible and tangible, which exists in a concrete form, comes from something invisible and internal. For example, when we want to learn something, we first decide that we will learn, and then we act.

The effect must know its cause, otherwise it will not be connected to it and will not be able to act as it should. Even the leaves on the trees turn towards the sun. The Creator is the center of the entire Universe, and the sun is the center of the natural world, and there is a tendency in us to seek the Creator. It is like iron filings being attracted to a magnet, where God is the magnet.

Electricity is invisible, but as soon as we turn on the power, the electrical appliance starts working, so we can see that there is electric current in the network. In the same way, if we are truly connected to the Creator, we can feel Him in action.

On sunny days we see the sun, but on a cloudy day can we say that there is no sun? We know that there is a sun behind the clouds, however, can those who have never seen it claim that the sun exists when it is not visible?

Our personal qualities are an expression of the invisible soul, thanks to which we can contact the Creator as our subject. And if we, as an object and a consequence, are not like Him, then we have no relationship with Him.

When you do good things, don’t do them to appear good. Do not do good just to appear good, but to unite with Heavenly Parent to be like Him.