World of good

Writing and etymology in Korean
선의 세계
[seon-ui segye]
善意 世界
善意 (선의) [seon-ui] – good will
世界 (세계) [segye] – world

Obviously, our world is not a world of good. In everyday life, you feel that a person himself cannot be a container of goodness. The direction in which our soul is rushing is different from the direction in which the body is directed.

All families want to be happy, but looking closer, we see how many families break up. Families that quarrel are more common than those that are at peace. The same thing happens within ourselves: we are more often unhappy than happy and contented.

If the individual, as an integral part of the good on the scale of humanity, cannot become good, everything else loses all meaning. If a single person cannot be good, the whole of humanity will not become good either. If in the end, one by one, people gradually become good, they will either finally become like true people and live in peace, or they will aspire in the direction of good. Otherwise, world peace is impossible, no matter how hard people try.

Now many people hope that unity will come in the world and conflicts will completely stop. But if there is no unity among people, communities and countries, how can we find a conflict-free world where we can feel our inner unity?

Peace and happiness, so desired by mankind, are achievable only under the condition of unity. Everyone knows that if the soul and body are in discord, a person cannot be happy, no matter how hard he tries. Then the world becomes an unattainable dream. It follows that the most important thing is to achieve unity within yourself.

It is necessary to unite the soul and the body. Before complaining about the environment and shouting about peace and true happiness, everyone should think and decide whether he contributes to the creation of a source of peace, whether his soul and body are one.