
Writing and etymology in Korean
大 (대) [tae] – big
宇宙 (우주) [uju] – Universe

The Sun rotates around its axis in the same way as the Earth. The Sun, whose volume is one million three hundred thousand times bigger than the volume of the Earth, is in constant motion. The Milky Way exists in the Universe, the mass of which exceeds the mass of the Solar System by more than two hundred billion times. It is called a mini-universe, but there are countless star clusters in the universe, similar to our Milky Way.

We should consider this huge universe, expanding the scope of our consciousness. God, who created this grand universe, the radius of which is several hundred billion light-years, directs its movement for billions of years in accordance with immutable laws. Thanks to His great power, which we cannot even imagine or feel, the Creator sets all these heavenly bodies in motion. Thinking about the Creator who created the Universe, we naturally bow our heads before His grandiosity and greatness.

Why is humanity so interested in space and high technologies? Because they are components for building an ideal world of love. The ideal world that humanity longs for cannot be created under the conditions of civilization at a primitive level of development.

There is no other Earth than our planet. People say that someone lives in space, but what’s the point of this? The whole universe was created for the sake of humans.

All mankind must unite. Then we can explore space. Until people achieve unity, they will fight even for possession of the Sun, declaring their rights. They will begin to find out who is the owner of all the planets and will want to have them for themselves. They will definitely fight each other. Our Sun is 1.3 million times larger than the Earth; how can a tiny little man no more than a point lay claim to such a huge object? The whole universe will laugh at him!