Beauty of the soul

Writing and etymology in Korean
영혼의 아름다움
[yeonghon-ui aleumdaum]
靈魂의 美學
靈魂 (영혼) [yeonghon] – soul
美學 (아름다움) [aleumdaum] – beauty

What can we see when looking at a person’s face? Even if outwardly the face is not particularly attractive, good manners and a generous heart will make up for the lack.

People’s faces are like windows. Looking at a person, you can see his attitude and his soul. Don’t try to see a person solely by their face. Every person has their own past. For someone the path of life runs from north to south, while for others from south to north. Try to imagine what the past of this person was like and what lies ahead for him. Looking at a person from this point of view, one can understand whether a person is ready to overcome all the life obstacles that he encounters on his way.

Try to look into the soul of a person and see its different aspects. Pay attention to how the person speaks. How does he interact with his friends? What expressions does he use in different life situations.

For example, the attitude towards cleaning reflects the type of person’s character. In such simple tasks as cleaning, it is easy to see and understand who is who. Someone tries to evade work in every possible way, and does not want to pick up a broom or a mop and say: “Come on, you better do it.” They try to dump all the work on others. Such people can be seen literally at first sight.

People who wear expensive clothes, take pride in their shoes and put on a pompous look tend to be so self-obsessed and have an attitude like this: “I’m fine as long as I’m fine, I don’t care the rest”.

Our soul should be beautiful and generous, and it should guide our lives, not our appearance. If a person has an endless soul, he lives in harmony. Inner peace is important, we must be righteous people, even if our past was darkened by something and our current situation is also not very favorable. Remember that everything can be overcome.