God’s Shimjeong

Writing and etymology in Korean
하나님의 심정
[hananime shimjeong]
天 (천) - [cheong] - the sky, the heavens
主 (주) - [ju] - king, owner
心 (심) [shim] - heart
情 (정) [jung] - emotion

God’s most precious gift to mankind is the heart (shimjeong). His center is love. Shimjeong is the essence and the most important foundation of all beings.

The Shimjeong of the Heavenly Parent is infinitely long, broad, and deep. We need to understand the feelings He had before creation, during creation, and after the fall of the first humans.

The Shimjeong of the Heavenly Parent lives not only in His Word, but in all of His creation.

God is a God of love. God’s love is truly manifested to people in the place where God’s Shimjeong and man’s Shimjeong come together, and that place is the parent-child relationship. The parent-child relationship is the foundation of the Universe.

Those who possess God’s love have boundless beauty. May each of us become part of the perfect love abiding in God’s Shimjeong.

If you want to be a patriot, you need to understand the feelings of the head of country, and if you want to be a son or daughter of filial piety, you need to understand the feelings of the father and the mother. So if you want to be a courageous representative of God, you need to understand His feelings.

We have to become people with the same deep shimjeong as God.