
Writing and etymology in Korean
主 주인 [ju-in] – master
導 인도할 [indohal] – lead
權 권세 [gwonse] – influence; power

When spring arrives, no one forces the leaves to bloom; it appears on its own. Please keep in mind that it is our duty to step forward firmly, with a high spirit, taking the initiative to solve the problems of the modern world.

Seeing inaction, take the initiative to deal with the situation. By acting effectively, we will gain more confidence and believe in our ability to be proactive.

Children should act on their initiative, following the Shimjeong (heart) of their parents. We should not dedicate our lives reluctantly or under compulsion, we should do it with joy and gratitude. The Heavenly Parent and the people will love it.

Those who take the initiative to create conditions of goodness will be able to avoid life’s difficulties and trials.

Do not feel that you are acting under compulsion. You should be grateful to those who, with their advice or guidance, tell you the path you should have taken on your initiative.

A society where people take the initiative to do good and righteous things is an ideal society.

We, the people of today, are the continuation of the past, the center of the present, and the initiators of the future.