
Writing and etymology in Korean
自 (자) – himself
信 (신) – to believe, to trust
感 (감) – feeling

Which of the three people do you think will succeed? One who believes but does nothing, one who has the courage to act, but who acts carelessly, or one who puts his faith into action one hundred percent and confidently devotes his life to it? What kind of person would you like to be?

You must be clear about what you will be doing when you are twenty. You must be able to say with confidence, “I will do this and that,” and struggle during your life to achieve it. Only in this way can you become historical figures who will do something real for the world.

When you have clearly decided for yourself what you are going to do, you will need a strong determination to fight to achieve the goal, regardless of any difficulties. Instead of saying you don’t like this or that, you have to be able to cope with whatever comes in your way.

There is a certain reason why people on the path of enlightenment go to meditate in the mountains. They develop an outward determination, the basis of which is an internal determination, that is, the conviction that they will not deviate from their path, no matter what difficulties they may encounter.

To gain self-confidence, one must have one’s own philosophy, and for this one must be aware of the past, present, and future.

It is important to maintain self-control in any situation, to always be friendly to people and confident, and to learn how to adapt to all circumstances. “It doesn’t matter where everyone else is going; I have to go my own way. I don’t have time to listen to what’s being said on the sidelines!”

Think about it and ask yourself, are you confident that your heart will never change, no matter the difficulty, of the task before you? To accomplish it, from morning until late at night you must be courageous warriors. No matter how exorbitant the obstacles may be, be confident that you will overcome them.