Noble character

Writing and etymology in Korean
고귀한 성격
[gogwihan seong-gyeog]
高貴한 性格
高貴 (고귀) [gogwi] – noble
性格 (성격) [seong-gyeog] – character

Who is called a person of noble character? This is the one who is closer to the person of the original value. There are 2 types of people: one is an animal type and the other is an idealistic type. One who lives for food is closer to an animal, and one who can enjoy nature and has rich poetic feelings is closer to an angel.

A person of noble character differs little from ordinary people in his appearance, but differs greatly in his thoughts and spirit. Therefore, a man of noble character is determined not by the external aspect, but by the internal. To expand the spiritual realm, we need to understand the world of the soul. The soul has the ability to expand to infinity. So we can understand that human desires originate in the soul and not in the body. The soul acts endlessly, generating endless desires.

Our identity is not limited to a particular society, country, or world. Moreover, it aspires to the highest absolute standard, which is beyond the past, present and future. Considering the soul’s craving for the absolute, we can understand that the world of the soul is connected with infinity.

A person of noble character is one who occupies a central position in society. Only in this way can he become an object of respect. The same is happening in the country. A country or organization is also based on a person of noble character as its representative. In the same way, the world needs a man of noble character as the center.

We call someone a person of noble character, not based on his appearance, education, career or position, but based on the fact that he is a person of principle. External splendor does not make a person noble. A person of noble character is one who lives with an unchanging shimjon.