Challenge and victory

Writing and etymology in Korean
도전과 승리
[dojeongwa seungli]
挑戰과 勝利
挑戰 (도전) [dojeon] – challenge
勝利 (승리) [seungli] – victory

When you look at a river, you know that the water flows more calmly at depth. A lot of things happen in the upper layers: sometimes the water swirls in a deep whirlpool, sometimes it falls down on the rocks, sometimes it rushes past large rocks. If someone, once in a boat, encounters a very strong current, then he does not just look ahead, but peers into the distance and quickly controls the boat. Otherwise, the boat will break on the rocks. There may be waterfalls in your life too; sometimes the water even creates a wall or sheer drop in front of you. And you have to quickly dodge one danger and guide the boat straight through the waves to another place.

How to learn to courageously endure everything that we have to face in life, and even come out of any situation as a winner? This is an eternal question.

When faced with difficulties that seem insurmountable, it may seem to you that you are bound to die. But there is always a way if you look for it.

You must have such an attitude that whatever happens, you are ready to meet with great hope and interest. Do not look at things one-sidedly, look at your position from different angles.

Never try to walk away from life, feel like you’ve been challenged and persevere. On a rough road there must be ups and downs, but where there are peaks there are also plains. The more difficult the situation, the greater your achievement.

Going through life, always try to develop and improve in yourself those traits that you lack.

Try to focus on today, on this moment. If in your shimjeong (heart) you are a winner now, you will come out a winner all the way.

History knows many successful people. They had many adventures in their past. The more obstacles they had to overcome in life, the greater their greatness.