
Writing and etymology in Korean
輪 (윤) – wheel
廻 (회) – circle, round
還 (환) – to return
生 (생) – life

People’s lives are closely intertwined with the spiritual world according to their karma. Representatives of all eras, regardless of religion or lack thereof, encounter this fact through dreams as well as mystical and mysterious occurrences.

Humans were supposed to have the highest value and dominion over the entire universe. However, they found themselves at the lowest point, far below ground zero. They necessarily need to return to their original position, but they cannot do so immediately. They will have to go up step by step, correcting the mistakes they or their ancestors have made.

Having failed to fulfill their responsibility during their earthly life, they will have to return to earth as spirits, and interact with people living on earth to successfully lay the foundation.

Why would spirits return to earth? Our relationships were made on earth – therefore, they need to be resolved on earth. Many religions, including Buddhism, call this phenomenon reincarnation. Spirits, whose mission on earth has not been completed, come down to earth to people who have similar missions, and assist them in carrying it out.

From the point of view of the mission performed, the human body on earth replaces the physical body of the spirit because man, receiving help from the spirit, fulfills his mission along with his own. In this case, he becomes the second coming of the one who helps him, and may even bear his name. Therefore, a person on earth can often be perceived by us as an incarnation (reincarnation) of a spirit. However, any ascended saint, whether Buddha or Confucius, can spiritually appear to us at any time. Therefore, we cannot claim that a real Buddha returned to earth in the form of another person.

Each of us is like our ancestors, we all have their traits; it is as if we are their reincarnation in history. How old is history? It is known to be hundreds of thousands of years old. History has gone all this way to create one human being, that is, us. Countless ancestors were born and died for such a person to be created. Thus, we are the fruits of human history.