Circular motion

Writing and etymology in Korean
圓 (원) [won] – circle
運 (운) [un] – move
動 (동) [dong] – turn round

We are closely connected with the Universe, and our movement must correspond to universal principles. Just as the sun rises and sets, as night gives way to day and passes year after year, decades and millennia pass in the same way, rotating around the same axis. The earth rotates continuously, obeying a circular motion, and the day gives way to night again, and night gives way to the day.

Different levels of existence stand on different levels of love, giving rise to movement and action. Love moves in a spiral, constantly penetrating deeper and deeper towards the center. The center exerts a force that attracts the object towards itself, which creates a circular motion. This can be seen in the example of the movement of water in a whirlpool. Likewise, sand, picked up and swirled by the wind, is deposited in the center. The minus or object makes a circular motion, but at the same time does not want to always remain a minus, striving to become a plus or subject. Their goal is to grow, to add something more. In a circular motion they want to become bigger and invest more for the sake of love. This way they can develop and grow.

In the same way, a spontaneous and natural circular movement of giving and receiving is created in our daily lives. Love cannot be perfected without the experience of raising one’s own children, as well as without the joys of raising one’s grandchildren. Grandparents must walk hand in hand with their children. This loving relationship must extend further to grandchildren and relatives, and ultimately return to God and the ancestors.

Once love comes to us, we must add our own love to it and pass it on, maintaining a circular movement. Once the circular movement begins, we will be inseparable from love.