Desire of the soul

Writing and etymology in Korean
마음의 욕망
[ma-eum-ui yogmang]
心의 慾望
心 (마음) [ma-eum] – soul
慾望 (욕망) [yogmang] – desire

We long for the harmony and praise of Heaven, we want equality and prosperity to reign in the world. Where does this desire come from? It arises from the depths of the soul, not the body. The desire of the soul is based on good. According to this desire, people should not treat each other as enemies, should not quarrel and kill each other. Relations of love must be established among all people in an atmosphere of freedom, peace and happiness. This is an object of hope for all mankind.

Many people live without knowing what the soul is. A person does not suspect that the soul is the basis that forms him as a person and directs him towards True Love. Our soul is immeasurably large. It seeks to join the perfect source and is always looking for something new, ideal, peaceful and happy.

A person who does not know how to independently cope with his internal contradictions will not know happiness and peace, will not fulfill his hope, even if all conflicts completely ceased in the world where he lives. The problem lies within the person himself.

Does the body give birth to hope? No. Wanting to satisfy hunger, the body is ready to snatch the last piece from the hands of a brother or sister in order to immediately eat it. This is the physical desire. Seeing this, the soul hopes that the body will stop doing such things.

The wider the gap between the soul and the body, the greater the grief. Their relationship in this case is built on suffering. Therefore, we need to unite the soul and the body and for this to narrow the gap between them as much as possible, otherwise peace and happiness will not be established in the world of people.

The most important thing is that each person finds inner unity. Having achieved the unity of soul and body, we can say that we deserve the highest happiness. If we do not form within ourselves an unshakable and indestructible center under any circumstances, we will not join the source of a conflict-free world.