East and west

Writing and etymology in Korean
동쪽과 서쪽
[dongjjoggwa seojjog]
東과 西

The Heavenly Parent divided this world into East and West, symbolizing bones and flesh. The West claims, “All that is needed is our flesh,” while the East echoes: “Our bones are the main thing.”

Obviously, the functional characteristics of bones and flesh are very different. Therefore, Western people, who represent material wealth, or flesh, need to start focusing on the spiritual aspect, while Eastern people, who represent bone, or spiritual life, need to learn to appreciate the material world. The West must support the East financially, while the East must bring spiritual values to the West.

The East represents the culture of giving, the West the culture of receiving. And although the East feeds the West with spiritual food, materially the West dominates the East. In the West, there is a widespread materialistic culture that uses deductive logic, which first reflects on the result and then tries to discover the cause. The logic of the East is the opposite, inductive – starting reasoning from the cause, it covers everything else.

Today there is a tendency for Westerners to be intrigued by the mystery of the East, while Easterners are drawn to the scientific nature of the West. For example, America is a completely foreign world for the Japanese, however, when they come to the West, they want to stay there. The same thing happens to Westerners when they marry Easterners; they wish to go to the East and live there, because there they experience greater inspiration.

The time will come when the world will transform into one single harmonious family.