Fate of civilization

Writing and etymology in Korean
문명의 운명
[munmyeong-ui unmyeong]
文明의 運命
文明 (문명) [munmyeong] – civilization
運命 (운명) [unmyeong] – fate

What is the final destination of Western civilization, where the ideological currents of this world will find their end? Developed countries striving to build an exclusively material civilization found themselves in a trap. The human soul has become a slave of the material world. Although cities are covered with skyscrapers, and people live in material abundance, the life of citizens has become a barren desert where is not a single oasis of true love, and without it, our society becomes a breeding ground for selfishness.

In contrast, the Eastern way of thinking is focused on spiritual values, not on material ones.

Historian Arnold Toynbee predicted the decline and demise of Western civilization. He argued that a spiritual foundation should emerge in the world, which would give rise to a new civilization based on Eastern values. Otherwise, our world is doomed.

The spiritual should prevail over the material. A similar principle applies to Western and Eastern culture. When the eastern spiritual civilization establishes its positions, the western civilization will accept the leadership of the eastern one.

Which Asian country will play a key role in the unification of East and West? The Chinese civilization of the classical period reached the highest level of development, but the communists came to power in China. The next candidate is India. Such spiritual trends as yoga are popular among people in the West. In addition, India has given the world many different religious teachings. However, all these teachings do not meet the needs of modern society.

Another contender for this role could be Japan. However, the Japanese people did not create any significant spiritual tradition.

Korea comes into view. This country created a new culture based on the Christian faith and Eastern philosophy, for the first time in history it combined two traditions.

Korea is a place where Western civilization comes into contact with Eastern civilization, it plays the role of a mediator. This is the historical purpose of this country.