True love practice

Writing and etymology in Korean
참사랑의 실천
[chamsaran-ui silcheon]
眞愛의 實踐
眞愛 (참사랑) [chamsaran] – true love
實踐 (실천) [silcheon] – practice

What does it mean to practice true love? Nothing and no one is born for its own sake. Every creature lives and acts for the sake of its partner. To do this, a person must be the first to selflessly and sacrificially give to his loved one everything he has, without a trace.

A person who has known love lives for the sake of his partner, bringing selfless love into the relationship, without expecting any reward. The partner responds to love with complete obedience and humility. If there was no true love in their relationship, there would be only rivalry between them. However, God’s principle of creation does not include the concept of exploitation in the process of existence and development. God creates through a process of complementary action of giving and receiving, when partners are united in the highest harmony based on the absolute values of love.

This principle applies to the entire universe, but unfortunately it has been misunderstood. We have been wrongly taught that the strong oppress and exploit the weak. The theory of survival of the fittest – the so-called “law of the jungle” – is fundamentally wrong! Its defenders do not take into account absolute values, according to which we must live for the sake of the greater good, and all living beings must achieve perfection, and each person must become an unchanging source of love.

Sometimes an individual is sacrificed for the sake of the greater good, but we should not regard this as a moral evil. This sacrifice is a contribution for the sake of progress. Can it be called an atrocity if one person sacrifices himself to save his own family? No. What if, for the good of the country, a family becomes a voluntary sacrifice, or the country sacrifices itself to save the whole world? Noble deeds are the absolute values of love in real embodiment. They open the way to love in its true meaning.

Living for the sake of others, self-giving and self-sacrifice in love, perfecting the dominion of love through voluntary humility – such a life corresponds to the ideal of creation.