
Writing and etymology in Korean
疾 (질) – disease
病 (병) – sick

Why do you feel pain when you are sick? Because there is a lack of balance in your body. If it is out of balance, a universal force pushes the problem away. If you did not feel pain, but there was something wrong with your body, the universal force would still try to get rid of the problem, and you could die. In this way, pain warns you about the state of your health.

People are primarily sick spiritually, and on that basis they become physically sick. About 70-80% of all illnesses arise from spiritual causes.

All modern illnesses have spiritual causes related to ancestral sins. By looking at the diseases and life hardships of our descendants, we can judge the lives of their ancestors. If ancestors stole or misused things or public money, their descendants often suffer from stomach diseases. If ancestors committed sins of lust and adultery, their descendants may suffer from genital diseases or infertility, they may have difficulty remaining faithful, or they may be destined for divorce. If the ancestors were insensitive to others and hurt them, or if they judged people badly by listening to gossip and breaking other people’s hearts, their descendants may have children who are blind, dumb or deaf. In other words, descendants suffer diseases depending on which part of the body was hurt. The more severe the ancestors’ sin, the harder it is for the descendants to heal from the disease, if at all.

More important is your internal attitude toward your health. Illnesses and physical ailments can be controlled by the power of thought. If you are sick, and you think, “I guess I’m going to die soon,” you really might die! On the contrary, you should think like this: “This illness came not to kill me, but to make me stronger by fighting it. Maybe it will even do me good!” Then you will soon get well. Conquer the disease in your soul, and health will return to you.