Success in life

Writing and etymology in Korean
인생의 성공
[insaeng-ui seong-gong]
生活의 成功
生活 (인생) [insaeng] – life
成功 (성공) [seong-gong] – success

Each and every one of us is born and grew up surrounded by parental love. First, we go to kindergarten ,then school, continuing ,to university, and over time, our ideas of life expand. We want to understand what society is and what the surrounding people are busy with. We are aware that we belong to one of many nations, and we want our nation to prosper more than others.

We want to achieve success in our life. At the same time the interest in the opposite sex awakens within us. We begin to long for love and strive to marry the person we love in order to create our own family. We want to give life to children and raise them in a way how our parents raised us. We work to support our family. For most people success is just an opportunity to earn more money for the happiness of their family. This is how our life flows, and continues as we grow old.

Looking at successful people we often ask ourselves: “Can I be like that? Will I ever be able to become like that person?” We are limited by the level of our knowledge, position, influence in society and many other things, but our desires and aspirations have no limits.

People go to school, get married, achieve status and importance in society, but are never completely satisfied.

Successful people seem happy and prosperous to us, but deep inside they may be unhappy. An outwardly happy couple can be extremely unhappy in reality. Family disorders are a very common phenomenon. Even if your career has turned out well, everything can collapse at any minute.

The family as a whole cannot be proud of wealth or position in society. It can only be proud of the love that dwells inside.

Success in life depends on how well we can see with the eyes of the soul. For this, we need to go through many trials and remember that experience. It is important for us to keep our composure in any situation, always be kind to people simultaneously maintain self-confidencet, and learn how to adapt to any circumstances.