
Writing and etymology in Korean
嫉 (질) – jealousy
妒 (투) – envy

Endowed with desires, a person naturally strives for more love. This leads him to develop the feelings of envy, which is natural. Envy is inevitably generated by man’s original nature as a “by-product” of his inherent desires. It is like a shadow cast by an illuminated object.

Once perfection has been attained, the transient feeling of envy can in no way lead to the perpetration of evil deeds. A man will never commit a crime, knowing in his heart that the brief pleasure he may derive from the moment the object of his desires is attained is not worth the torment that leads to self-destruction.

One who is happy and loving cannot envy anyone. If one is jealous of someone, he is already unhappy. What kind of happiness can we talk about, if an imperfect person is characterized by such traits as jealousy, envy, and arrogance? They bring us into a situation of conflict.

Women can conceive, give birth to children and breastfeed them. This is one thing men can never do. A nursing mother shares her life and body with an infant. She gives an important part of herself and feels happy in doing so. It is thesethis close bonds with the child that men have to envy. A woman is endowed with the most precious privilege in the Universe, and a man cannot compare to her in this.

Your eyes can be beautiful, but if envy and personal ambition, and vindictiveness and a desire to take advantage of others, are seen in them, such eyes become frightening and unpleasant. But even if their eyes are irregularly shaped, but they radiate love, goodwill, and serenity, they will charm people.

What would a perfect world look like? It would not be a world where people do not get along with each other and envy the success of others, getting sick with envy at the sight of the joy of others. On the contrary, in this world the success of one will be the success of all, and the joy of one will be the joy of all. One person’s joy and pleasure will be shared by the whole world.