Essence of love

Writing and etymology in Korean
사랑의 본질
[sarang-ae bonjil]
愛의 本質
愛 (사랑) [sarang] – love
本質 (본질) [bonjil] – essence

Love is the fundamental essence of our world. What do we mean when we talk about the essence of love? Love is not so much for the individual, but for the common good. That is why it brings joy and is so highly valued by everyone.

Who is the core of the essence of love? People cannot do this, since they are derivative beings. Therefore, there must be something that is the cause of the universe, including humanity. That cause is God.

What generates love: cause or effect? Love comes from the invisible spiritual personality of the Creator. Therefore, as long as we do not proceed from the root cause, there will be no constancy in our relations. We need to join the root cause and be equal to it.

Human nature is such that in a loving relationship we strive for the most complete completion. We always want to dive as deep as possible into love. It is important for us to know how we can merge into the universal harmony of love on the scale of the Universe. First of all, we must recognize the Creator as our subject. Any person in His eyes is always in the position of the object. What is the center of the relationship between subject and object? This center is love. Thus, the fundamental relationship between the Creator and man is the relationship of love between subject and object, namely the relationship between parent and child.