Family ties

Writing and etymology in Korean
가족 관계
[gajog gwangye]
家族 關係
家族 (가족) [gajog] – family
關係 (관계) [gwangye] – ties

People can’t go anywhere and get out of their ties with the world. Thanks to parents, a person has brothers and sisters. Parents are like the root, and brothers and sisters are like the branches. We need to understand that no being can come into being without a connection to the root.

Being united by unbreakable bonds, the descendants of the family must see value in each other. No one is able to break this thread. Sealed by such bonds, brothers and sisters should treasure them. Therefore, no matter how bad their relationship is, they cannot break this connection, because they are all tied to the same root.

Even a couple of people who make up a family meet for a reason. These two are brought together by a connection woven by many historical processes and the interweaving of the destinies of many people. Going deeper, we will find in it the history of the whole world.

There are 8 billion people on earth, 4 billion men and 4 billion women. Being born of parents corresponding to 8 billion of the world’s population, we can say that these relationships make all of humanity the descendants of one kind. In other words, we are brothers and sisters.

When we think about these connections, we cannot think of our parents as simply the people who gave us life. In our parents we can see a representative bond that combines heaven and earth.

Humanity is like a single entity. This suggests that since man descended from a Heavenly Parent, then all of humanity is directly related to Him. Human relationships are established on such a broad basis. These bonds must be valued. They apply not only to people, but also includes the world of nature.

Nowadays there is a tendency to neglect human relationships. Our interaction with others should not be limited to greetings. In its deepest meaning relationships are of great importance; the reality, however, is that people do not attach much importance to them.

We must strive to love humanity with the heart of a heavenly representative. In this way all historical connections will converge with each other, and man will be able to come forward as a result of such a combination. Observing the natural world around us from this point of view, we will find just such a relationship with humanity.