Happiness and suffering

Writing and etymology in Korean
행복과 희생
[haengboggwa huisaeng]
幸福과 犧牲
幸 (행) [haen] – fortune
福 (복) [bog] – happiness
犧 (희) [hui] – offering
牲 (생) [saeng] – sacrificial animal

What kind of people can be called happy? Those who have experienced both ups and downs, but not in the most extreme forms. This means that along with happy people, there must also be unhappy people in the world. And it is impossible to escape this law.

It is good to be very happy, but everyone has to experience unhappiness. Anyone who wants to experience great happiness must be able to accept both happiness and unhappiness.

An unhappy person will not remain that way forever. After some time, he will definitely become happier and happier. Likewise, the happiest person cannot remain in this state, but must descend from the clouds of happiness, if not today, then tomorrow.

When we laugh or talk, our voice does not rise all the time, it has a rhythmic modulation. A good singer differs from a bad one in his ability to harmonize a melody. People like it when a vocalist sings in a high, complex register, but that doesn’t mean he has to sing higher and higher notes. When a singer skillfully moves into a lower register, listeners feel relieved.

The same principle applies in life. Climbing to the top is happiness and descending is also no less happiness. How can you determine whether a person is happy or not? Is he happy if he only knows how to rise to the top?

A king who lived a fantastic, fabulously rich life may be forgotten. What will be more important to people is the life of a person who has experienced great happiness and incredible difficulties and managed to cope with both as part of his life.

A bitter and difficult situation attracts people more than a moment of highest happiness and jubilation. Difficulties and suffering will remain as a treasure of history for a long time.